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Gabrielle Jacques's semester with Arts & Humanities-in-London

Program: Arts & Humanities-in-London (United Kingdom)
Term: Spring 2023
Major: Communication

Study abroad really showed me a side of myself that I never knew existed

I learned how to communicate better, make new friends, problem solve, plan and organize my days better, try new things and overall it increased my love of travel and adventure. Professionally I worked in my first internship at a Public Relations firm in the city and learned so much about the industry from a global perspective. My coworkers at my internship in London were extremly helpful and patient with me. I still network with them over linkedin! I learned how to get myself from work, to class to home in a completely new environment. I met people in my program from all over the states and I met people in London from all over the world. I traveled through Italy, France, Iceland, Greece and even go to go to Africa.

Advice for #TerpsAbroad

As a African-American women studying abroad in Europe, I was really nervous at first but that all went away when I got there. Speaking on London specifically, I feel extremely comfortable and safe day and night. I would still say to be vigilant and travel with more then one person if you can but people are very kind and the area is very diverse.

The best memories were made during my 3rd month in London when I finally felt like I got the hang of everything and it really began to feel like home.

I had some hard times

I got food poisoning my second week when I didn’t know anyone and had to fend for myself in stores that had very different products then I was used to. During my last month, I fractured my ankle and had to deal with healthcare system which was surprisingly not as accommodating as I thought it would be. Through it all I learned how to adult and how to take care of myself which will be useful in the future.

If I hadn't studied abroad, I would have never worked for an international public relations agency and got to work with some cool influencers!

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