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Jack Burke on UMD-Winter: Japan and South Korea

Studying abroad really came to bring me a new sense of how my skills could be used internationally rather than domestically, and really pushed me to consider a more global view of business. I learned a lot of amazing things from so many different people and being able to interact with such a different way of business and life was incredibly rewarding. I met some amazing people in my honors program that I’m so happy to now call close friends after this abroad experience.

My favorite memory was going to a convenience store for the first time in Korea and using Korean the entire time. Since I’ve been studying Korean through my Linguistics major, it’s super fun in the classroom, but I’ve never had much experience with the language in a real-world context. Although it may have been an easy 5 sentences on paper, in reality it was a lot more than just that and a sign I was getting somewhere with my language practice. Since then, I’ve been super motivated to keep learning and practicing for when I (hopefully) go back!

Advice for future #TerpsAbroad:

Just really be open and willing. An experience like study abroad will only give as much as you let it, and really putting yourself out there (in a safe manner of course) is the best way to really make the most of it.

Study abroad is much more than just a vacation or doing classes in a different country. I had so much fun mixing these two ideas into one final product that really was study abroad for me. I think when you reduce it down to those two concepts you really lose a lot of the unique experience you get while studying abroad.

The hardest part was definitely planning and packing. You don’t need as much as you think! I absolutely overpacked clothes, didn’t end up using at least a third of them, and had to cram so much in my suitcase to bring everything I wanted to back. Of course I made it work, but I think I would have definitely gotten more souvenirs if I was confident they could fit.

If I hadn’t studied abroad, I never would have been able to network with Korean CEOs!

Instagram: @jack.bxrke

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